Friday, October 11, 2019

I NEED People

     This is why I need people. I can’t make and social media. It’s just that simple. I finally jumped on Ravelry this morning to update my pattern section and am trying to get all my documents in one final resting place and that took the majority of the early morning.
     While on Ravelry, I happened to look over to the right of my profile page and saw a link to my BLOG?! Ugh, and double ugh. So, to date, I have Ravelry, Facebook, Instagram, Patreon AND a blog. Oh and we can’t forget my Etsy AND my Square shop. It’s too much to wrap my brain around. I need to create a schedule, but those of you that know me, know that a schedule is laughable. This ole cat is laughing her ass right off at the idea of actually having a schedule. I mean I start them, ALL THE TIME, and maybe they even last a few days, or maybe a week, but not ever much longer than that.
     I used to be real good at talking about myself, and what I was doing. I was a pro at selfies and self promotion. Now, at 50, it’s not so easy. I don’t have the confidence or the energy it requires to SELL myself. This is one of the reasons I need people. I need a person to package me and sell what I do because I don’t have the, 1.) time or the 2.) energy to do it.
     I have a blessed life right now. The hubs got an amazing new job and we moved to Columbus last month, and it got me out of college. The “College not College” blog got a reply in a need to withdraw from classes in order to move. And now that I have dropped that ball (again) I am seeing how pointless it all was. I don’t need a degree to do what I want to do. I have always known what I want to do, and it’s this, it’s yarn, and fiber and spinning and dyeing. I have to tell you, I have the BEST husband in the entire universe. He has told me to “just keep doing what I am doing”. Which is, working remotely for Inspection Tech (Mon-Fri 2-8pm) and basically making stuff all. day. long. Really? Who gets to have this life? So really, I have no excuses this time, to not have a schedule and to not make this dream a reality. So this blog will be the beginning of yet another new beginning.

1 comment:

FYI! I just lowered the prices on all my patterns! Now all are only 3$! I am going to be posting some new free patterns too. I just need to ...